The Comenius multilateral project “LET’’S GO TO SCHOOL IN EUROPE”, 2012-1-DK1-COM06-05363, focuses on the prevention of early school leaving and discovering the root causes of this phenomenon. This project is a partnership of 7 countries- Denmark, France- 2 schools, Greece, Ireland, Romania , Spain and Turkey and will be developping during 2012-2014.
Among the partner countries, there are some who have high rates of early school leaving and some have lower rates. Within this project, we will be able to observe the different problems but also exchange best practices. Throughout this two-year period all partner schools are going to coordinate their efforts to detect the common causes of early school leaving, identify possible consequences for the individuals as well as the society at large and find widespread tools to fight against it. Our major concern from our position as teachers is to ensure that the reflection on causes and consequences of early school leaving can contribute to the prevention of school dropouts. Throughout the implementation of our Comenius project , students will be encouraged to take creative initiatives and responsibility for their actions. They will learn to challenge the existing stereotypes and develop critical thinking, respect different traditions, accept diversity as well as equality and elimination of deeply rooted discrimination and above all they will foster solidarity and cooperation. Therefore, the incidents of unsocial, discriminating or aggressive behaviour among young people at school, which is a projection of society at large, will be reduced significantly.
It all started in Amiens, France, where we all participated in a contact seminar in November 2011, with this topic :early school leaving.We immediately bonded, we made a wonderful team and we started writing the project draft there, in Amiens.