This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Early school leaving and, more broadly, educational disadvantage have been priority issues of the EU for a number of years and these priorities are reflected in the targets in the EU 2020 Strategy.
The main focus of our project “Let’s go to school in Europe!” is prevention of early school leaving and discovering the root causes of this phenomenon. Among the partner countries, there are some who have high rates of early school leaving and some have lower rates. Within this project, we will be able to observe the different problems but also exchange best practices.
The Comenius multilateral project “LET’’S GO TO SCHOOL IN EUROPE”, 2012-1-DK1-COM06-05363, focuses on the prevention of early school leaving and discovering the root causes of this phenomenon. This project is a partnership of 7 countries- Denmark, France- 2 schools, Greece, Ireland, Romania , Spain and Turkey and will be developping during 2012-2014.
Among the partner countries, there are some who have high rates of early school leaving and some have lower rates. Within this project, we will be able to observe the different problems but also exchange best practices. Throughout this two-year period all partner schools are going to coordinate their efforts to detect the common causes of early school leaving, identify possible consequences for the individuals as well as the society at large and find widespread tools to fight against it.